A dogs Abayed living in Jordan, duo to human error as stray dogs , almost to be euthanasia,

but his strong mind to live, to reverse everyone's decision, finally he was lucky escape from "hell".

                            Two years ago Abayed was killed innocently mistake regards as the stray dog by a stranger,

                            immediately he falls on the ground, posterior crus was broke, when his master discovered,

                            hurries to deliver to the animal hospital to rescue it, but dog injury is serious,

                            Dr. was suggested its euthanasia, however the shelters of executive discovered that dog survival mind is strong,

                            so we try to found a way to help it.

                            His master imported a customized wheelchair for Abayed. They bring a glimmer of hope for his lives.

                            Before the accident happens Abayed was a competent sheepdog, he can manage over a hundred flocks of sheep.

                            After the incident, although it was unable to be competent the work again,

                            but at least Abayed can rely on wheelchairs-assisted activities on his own. Now, it can do almost everything like a pet can do.

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